Nasal Antibiotics
All Treatments
Nasal antibiotic rinses are beneficial for certain cases of chronic sinusitis. Under construction with more to come.
Sinus Drainage, Throat Mucous, & Postnasal Drip
Postnasal drip can lead to throat irritation, coughing, or even chronic laryngitis if left untreated.
Reduced or Loss of Smell – Hyposmia – Dyguesia
Hyposmia, or a reduced sense of smell, can result from sinus issues, viral infections, or other underlying causes.
Stuffy & Congested Nose
Difficulty breathing through the nose or "nasal obstruction" is the medical term for stuffy and congested nose
Runny Nose
Chronic sinusitis, nasal breathing issues, and allergies are all approached similarly. Each of these conditions is often associated with inflamed mucous membranes inside the nose.
Frequently Asked Questions About Nasal Antibiotics
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