About Chad Ruffin, MD

Dr. Ruffin is an Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Doctor, Cochlear Implant Surgeon, and advocate for adults and kids.

In addition to working one-on-one with patients at his clinic in Seattle, Dr. Ruffin & his team perform innovative research and advocacy for the hard of hearing community.

An Advocate For YOU

Born with severe hearing loss, Dr. Ruffin is driven to improve the lives of hard of hearing patients.

His journey from deaf patient to top surgeon was barrier-breaking, and his ongoing advocacy helps others succeed.

Dr. Ruffin continues to innovate as a CI Surgeon and scientist in hearing technology and auditory neuroscience.

ENT Doctor, Advocate, Scientist

Dr. Ruffin is committed to improving the achievement of deaf and hard-of-hearing people. He has innovated and advocates in many spaces including:

Partnered with HSDC (Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center) Seattle to foster full inclusion of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

Academic research with  Rufflab at Indiana University & with University of Washington.

3Cairns, a technology and advocacy startup in Portland, Oregon.

Dr. Ruffin received research grants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the American Academy of Otolaryngology, and the National Institutes of Health. He patented cochlear implant technology, published in multiple journals and his advocacy efforts were recognized by Science. At the American Academy of Achievement he shared the challenges of hearing loss with heads of state and other luminaries. He has also shared his insights at the Exponential Medicine Conference hosted by Nexmed Health. He consults for Regeneron, a company launching a gene therapy treatment for hearing loss.

A Challenging & Rewarding Journey

Dr. Chad Ruffin’s Path to Providing ENT/Otolaryngology Care With Empathy & Excellence


Research Fellowship in how cochlear implants encode sound in the auditory nerve.


Graduated with doctor of medicine degree.


Surgical training at one of the top universities.

Research fellowship in how the brain is changed by hearing loss.

Advanced training in ear surgery and cochlear implant research as faculty physician.


Partner at one of the largest surgical groups with advanced training in the United States.


Collaborates with one of the oldest Seattle nonprofits providing services for deaf and hard of hearing people.

Ready to get care?

Dr. Ruffin is committed to providing every patient with outstanding care.

Providing ENT/Otolaryngology Care With Empathy & Excellence